What is Alternative Lending?

Alternative Lending is an option that basically serves as a broad term that is used for small business lending that is done outside of traditional banks. Many of these non-traditional forms of lending allow you to get smaller loans for shorter terms. There are many alternative options for lending out there these days as small business financing continues to grow as an industry.

Alternative Lending oftentimes allows business owners who would otherwise not get approved for a loan to be approved for a loan.

The Basics of Alternative Lending:

The following are criteria that most alternative lending options will meet:

• Most lenders for these loans are non-bank entities. 

• Many businesses find that for non-traditional loans they have higher approval ratings. 

• The industry of alternative loans for small businesses is one of the fastest growing in the finance industry. 

• Alternative loans require less hassle including paperwork and red tape than qualifying for many other types of loans.  

Alternative lending is a major force in the financial world today. Many more forms of financial assistance are coming through alternative loans than ever before. Moreover, for those businesses who don’t want to wait weeks or months for approval, they can get approval in a matter of a few business days with some forms of alternative lending.

Alternative lending has gotten many institutions and businesses off the ground before they qualified for traditional loans. Many of these loans are also available for smaller amounts that companies can afford to pay back and have more flexible terms to meet the needs of newer businesses who are still trying to get the capital together to be able to apply for and afford a traditional loan.

For more information on alternative loans that will help your business please feel free to contact us at Dhanani Funding for further assistance.